The Cook Awakening

A Rapidly Changing World

February 1, 2017
Posted in: Events, Grief, Life on Life's Terms, Living Into Death, Living with Health Challenges, Meditation

It can feel challenging to know what to do these days. Where should I put my attention? What causes should I give my energy to?

Cold comfort for St Francis

I have read some great advice that I will share briefly – choose a couple of causes to give the majority of your time and money to, and trust that the other very important causes will have their champions. It’s the collective that moves change forward – no individual can be active on all fronts. And, make your phone calls about as many issues as you are able.

Continue to do your personal work. The more you understand about how your psyche works, the more you learn to sit with and manage your grief, the deeper your spiritual understanding is – the more resourced you will be to respond to the world in a grounded and effective way.

Also important – take breaks. I often tell clients that are dealing with deeply held grief or other emotions, to give themselves fully to feeling all their feelings, but also to take breaks. Snuggle with your loved ones. Get out in nature. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep. Eat nourishing, delicious food.

I was very sick toward the beginning of January, and my recovery is much slower than I would like it to be. Because of the ongoing chronic health challenges I live with, I’ve had to be very gentle with myself, and realistic about what I am able to do. This is, in its own way, part of the everyday dying process that we all go through moment to moment, a truth we acknowledge in Your Year to Live, the 12 month program I lead. We make plans, and then life unfolds – those plans that we cannot bring to fruition have to die. We can fight that fact, or we can roll with the changes.
Hence, I have two offers that benefit you!

1. I have decided to extend the enrollment time for the new cycle of Your Year to Live through February. We meet for our first private group Thursday, February 2nd and 7 pm. I will be recording the teachings and guided meditations, so you can catch up if you decide you want to join us later.

2. My annual counseling offer is also being extended through February. That’s half price for the first month of counseling if you commit to three months of working on yourself. If you are living with grief, with a serious diagnosis, and/or are taking care of a loved one with a serious diagnosis, call me and let’s talk. You deserve to have support on your journey.

More information about those offers in the sidebar to the right, and on the website if you follow the links.

Many blessings,


This entry was posted on Wednesday, February 1st, 2017 at 1:20 am and is filed under Events, Grief, Life on Life's Terms, Living Into Death, Living with Health Challenges, Meditation. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


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